Our emerging organization is focused on access to locally grown food that is produced by local farmers using life building farming practices. We are networking to gather land and access to land suitable for growing food. We see this as a beautiful partnership between the region's current landowners and future generations. We want to build on the investment and love the current owners have for their land and re-shape how we define land ownership and community.
Land held by the Alliance will be made available to (1) BIPOC*, (2) women, and (3) landless farmers for generations to come. The work is deeply rooted in building equity and justice into land access by providing the opportunity for the growing of fresh, healthy, local food for our families, communities and the region as a whole, by all of us.
*BIPOC is the acronym meaning "Black, Indigenous, and people of color"
Cultivating food is one aspect of a local food system. Our area is also rich with native wild species that people have relied on for food for generations. The Alliance is working to provide education and access for sustainable and respectful gathering of these wild foods.
Gathering local wild foods deeply connects us with the seasonal cycles and nonhuman community members in our place. Fostering these relationships within our communities is foundational to healthy, sustainable communities that are dedicated to living well with each other.